Liquidity analysis, Profitability analysis and Equity shareholdingAbstract
This study determined the effect of financial statement analysis on shareholders' investment decisions among listed deposit money banks in Nigeria. The specific objective was to examine the extent to which liquidity analysis and profitability analysis affect equity shareholding. The ex-post facto research design was adopted. A sample of ten deposit money banks was used. Data for the study were extracted from the published financial statements of the sampled banks from 2013 to 2022. Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) technique was employed to test the hypotheses while descriptive statistical analysis was used to the data. The findings revealed that liquidity analysis has a positive non-significant effect on equity shareholding among listed deposit money banks in Nigeria (p-value = 0.0540); profitability analysis has a significant positive effect on equity shareholding among listed deposit money banks in Nigeria (p-value = 0.000). The study recommends that deposit money banks in Nigeria should maintain a judicious approach to leverage, periodically reassessing debt levels to strike a balance that optimizes financial health while mitigating excessive risk, thereby fostering investor confidence
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