cattle, gastrointestinal parasites, zoonotic, helminthesAbstract
Gastrointestinal parasites play an important role in cattle farming in Nigeria, majority of parasite infection cause weight loss and decreases in appetite, productivity, milk production and farmers’ economic income. This study assessed the prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites in cattle presented for slaughter in three different abattoirs in Enugu metropolis. Faeces were randomly collected from 285 cattle in New artisan, Old artisan and New Gariky of less and greater than one year of age. Helminthes eggs and oocysts were detected by coproscopy and faecal egg load determined using McMaster technique. The overall prevalence was 41.4%, among parasites encountered Eimeria had 19.6%, Nematodes 11.9% and trematodes 9.82% there was a significant difference at p < 0.05. The parasitic prevalence differ within the three area sample, new artisan 44.1%, old artisan 34.8% and new Gariky 44.3% prevalence rate of infection, analysis revealed significant (p < 0.05) among three abattoirs. < 24 months had highest prevalence with respect to age. Gastrointestinal parasites are prevalent in cattle in the study area with Eimeria spp. being most prevalent. Demonstration Fasciola spp. a zoonotic helminth, in the study area calls for serious public health concern and hence regular screening of gastrointestinal parasites should be carried out for effective monitoring and control
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