

  • Chime, Onyinye Hope Department of Community Medicine, Faculty of Clinical Medicine, Enugu State College of Medicine
  • Mbah, Paulinus Chigozie, Ph.D Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Management Sciences, Enugu State University of Science and Technology (ESUT)
  • Chime, Joseph Chukwudi Department of Public Administration, Enugu state University of Science and Technology


Local government, Revenue generation, Medical services, Supply systems


The study evaluated the effect of local government revenue generation on the medical services and supply systems in Enugu state: A survey of selected local government areas. The specific objectives were to: Ascertain the effect of local government revenue generation on the medical supply systems in Enugu State and to determine the effect of local government revenue generation on health care services in Enugu State. The actual population was Nine thousand, three hundred and thirteen staff (906). The population of the study was drawn from the entire members of the local government staff and, executives of the town union leaders and selected individuals. The sample size of 537 was drawn using Freund and William’s formula at 3 percent error margin. A survey design was adopted for the study. Instrument used for data collection was the questionnaire and interviews. A total of five hundred and thirty-seven (537) copies of questionnaire were distributed while four hundred and seventy-three (473) copies of questionnaire were returned. Z – test was used to test the hypothesis one and determine the nature, and strength of the research variables, while Chi-square was used to test hypothesis two. The findings indicated that Local government revenue generation had positive significant effect on the medical supply systems in Enugu State Z (95, n = 473) = .283 < .352, p < 0.03. and that the Local government revenue generation did not significantly impact health care service delivery in Enugu State, D.F = 16; 2cal = 85.598, p = 0.060. The study concluded that Local government revenue generation had positive influence on medical supply systems and had negative impact on health care service delivery in Enugu State.  The study recommended that among others that the local government should increase the number of health institutions to attract healthier workforce to the local government and enhance more provision of services.



How to Cite

Chime, O. H., Mbah, P. C., & Chime, J. C. (2024). EFFECT OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT REVENUE GENERATION ON THE MEDICAL SERVICES AND SUPPLY SYSTEMS IN ENUGU STATE. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research in Medical and Health Sciences (IJIRMHS), 11(1), 1–22. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10611003



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