Vehicle Breakdown, Road Accidents, Mechanics, Entrepreneurial SkillsAbstract
This study was carried out to investigate the causes and effects of vehicle breakdown and road accidents in Delta State, across the three Senatorial Districts, using purposive random sampling technique with emphasis on convenience sampling technique to sample out the various respondents for the study. The objectives of the study were to determine the causes of frequent vehicle breakdown, assess the level of competence of vehicle mechanics, and the type of maintenance required to mitigate frequent vehicle breakdown in Delta State. The result on the causes emerged that lack of good maintenance culture was the major cause of vehicular breakdown and accidents as many drivers do not check their vehicles daily before use, no respect for road safety regulations, high alcoholic intake of drivers, over speeding and driving while making or receiving calls, and overloading of passengers/goods were some of the discussed causes. The study exposed the incompetence of many of our vehicle mechanics and the need to engage them in vocational and technical training and certification to enable them acquire the prevailing technology and entrepreneurial skills. Finally the study recommends that, there should be Government/private partnership to train mechanics, provide heavy duty towing trucks to clear breakdown vehicles and the Law Enforcement Operatives should be strict in their operations with more public education
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