Bank credits, agricultural and manufacturing sectors' outputs, ordinary least square, NigeriaAbstract
This study while assessing the impact of bank credit on agricultural and manufacturing sectors' outputs in Nigeria focused on the following specific objectives, to: examine the effect of bank credit on the agricultural sector outputs in Nigeria, and investigate the influence of bank credit on manufacturing sector outputs in Nigeria. Ex-post facto research design was adopted to ascertain the cause and effect of the key variables. Two hypotheses were tested using Ordinary Least Square (OLS). The findings showed that the total credit to private sector had a positive and significant effect on agricultural sector outputs; and that total credit to private sector had a positive and significant influence o manufacturing sector outputs. The study recommended that government should ensure that credits were sufficiently allocated to particularly the agricultural and manufacturing sectors in Nigeria and made obtainable at very reasonable lending rates. This will enable the two critical sectors attain production possibilities, thereby accelerating economic growth and development in the long run
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