
  • Ndalu, ThankGod Chukuemeka, Ph.D Department of Maritime Economics and Finance, Nigeria Maritime University, Okerenkoko, Delta State, Nigeria
  • Okene, Anthony Jovwo, ACA Department of Maritime Economics and Finance, Nigeria Maritime University, Okerenkoko, Delta State, Nigeria


Port Infrastructure, Logistics Efficiency, Gross Registered Tonnage, Vessel Traffic


Ports play crucial roles in facilitating international trade by serving as key gateways for imports and exports. Understanding how the quality of port infrastructure and logistics efficiency influences economic growth was the aim this study. Therefore this study, investigates the impact of port infrastructure and logistics efficiency on economic growth in Nigeria: The Nigerian Port Authority Experience from 2006 to 2022. The study is based on the quantitative method of secondary data collection. An ex - post-facto research design was adopted to achieve the objectives of the study. The study draws its data from the annual reports of the Nigerian Port Authority and Central Bank of Nigeria Statistical Bulletin with a focus on information in the post-concession era from 2006 to 2022 for a period of 16 years. The ARDL Bound Test approach was adopted to estimate the relationship between the variables. The study findings show that both quality of port infrastructure (QPI) and logistics efficiency (CTR) have insignificant relationships with economic growth in both the short-run and long-run. Specifically, the test of Hypothesis One showed that the quality of port infrastructure exhibited an insignificant negative relationship with economic growth, as indicated by the β coefficients of -2996.500 (short-run) and -110071.1 (long-run) with p-values of 0.4602 and 0.7904, respectively. Similarly, the test of Hypothesis Two showed that logistic efficiency, measured by cargo throughput (CTR), demonstrated an insignificant positive relationship with economic growth. Based on these findings, the study recommends that the government should increase investment in port infrastructure, including the development and maintenance of berths, quays, storage facilities, and cargo-handling equipment to stimulate economic growth. Finally, advanced technologies should be adopted in port operations, including automated cargo-handling processes, real-time tracking systems, and data analytics. Technological advancements can significantly improve efficiency, reduce processing times, and enhance overall logistic operations



How to Cite

Ndalu, T. C., & Okene, A. J. (2024). IMPACT OF PORT INFRASTRUCTURE AND LOGISTICS EFFICIENCY ON ECONOMIC GROWTH IN NIGERIA: THE NIGERIAN PORT AUTHORITY EXPERIENCE 2006 – 2022. Journal of Interdisciplinary Research in Accounting and Finance (JIRAF), 11(1), 40–55.



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