Taxpayers' education, Voluntary tax complianceAbstract
This paper carefully examines the influence of taxpayers' education on voluntary tax compliance in Benin City, Edo State. The study being empirical evaluated taxpayer education with the aid of effective seminars and handbooks/bills. The study gathered relevant data with the aid of a well-structured questionnaire administered to taxpayers who are in the business of small and medium-sized enterprises. A total of seventy-seven (77) taxpayers were carefully selected for the study, upon which the Ordinary least square regression method was used to analyze the data gathered. Premised on the analysis, the paper concluded that the effective use of seminars and handbooks/bills significantly influences voluntary tax compliance in the city and therefore recommends the need for the relevant tax authority to promote taxpayers' education as this has a direct relationship with voluntary taxpayers compliance and as well would improve the revenue of the government
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