Utilization, Photographic image representation, Child abuse, Instructional materialAbstract
The paper is on the Utilization Level of Photographic Image Representation of Child Abuse for Teaching Secondary School Students of Rivers State. One research question and one null hypothesis guided the conduct of the study. The study adopted the correlational and Ex-post facto research Design; on a population that comprised all final year students of 2019/2020 academic session offering visual arts as a subject of study in the school mentioned above. The total number of students in the population is 130. The entire population was studied. A structured questionnaire with 25 items was used to generate data from the respondents titled impact of photographic images of child abuse as instructional materials (IMPHICAIM). The instrument was subjected to face and content validity and a Cronbach Alpha reliability technique which obtained reliability indexes of .80, .88, .90, .73 and .78 respectively for each sub-scale. Then, Data on students’ academic performance was extracted from the students’ academic records; students were also interviewed on their experiences while on the training. Data collected were analyzed using the Pearson Product Moment Correlation (PPMC) to answer the research questions as well as testing the hypotheses that determine the degree of association between the variables under consideration. The study indicates that utilization of photographic image representation of child abuse correlates instructional material for teaching secondary school students of Rivers State. Therefore, there is a significant correlation between utilization of photographic image representation of child abuse and instructional material for teaching secondary school students of Rivers State. The study recommended among others that Tertiary institutions should not place students in visual arts studios/Industries that lack modern visual arts equipment and machines
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