
  • Dr. Ifeakandu Benji Iby Associate Professor and Deputy Head, PG School, Nigerian Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, Abuja, Nigeria.
  • Peter Terkaa Akper, SAN, OFR Director of Research, Nigerian Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, Abuja, Nigeria.


Lake Chad Region, terrorism, insurgency, irregular migration, humanitarian crisis


The Lake Chad Region (LCR), encompassing Cameroon, Chad, Niger, and Nigeria, has been severely impacted by terrorism and insurgency in the past decade. Terrorist groups, particularly Boko Haram, have led to significant disruptions in the lives of the local population, causing the loss of livelihoods and triggering irregular migration. This paper delves into the multifaceted challenges faced by the LCR countries due to these activities, which have resulted in the widespread destruction of lives and property and led to a humanitarian crisis. The movement of victims across borders within the region is a pressing concern, highlighting the need for coordinated efforts to address these challenges effectively.



How to Cite

Ifeakandu , B. I., & Akper, SAN, OFR, P. T. (2024). THE LAKE CHAD REGION’S FIGHT AGAINST TERRORISM AND INSURGENCY: IMPLICATIONS FOR NIGERIA. Journal of Legal Studies, Humanities and Political Sciences (JLSHPS), 10(1), 111–128.



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