Quality assurance, programme, performance, standard operating procedures, reference mentoring methodsAbstract
The study evaluated quality assurance programme and performance of clinical laboratory practice in Enugu state. The specifics objectives were to: examine the relationship between standard operating procedures and customers feedback and ascertain the relationship between reference mentoring methods and turnaround time of clinical laboratory practice in Enugu state. The study used the descriptive survey design approach. The primary source of data was the administration of questionnaire. A total population of 150 entrepreneurs was used. One hundred and twenty six (126) returned the questionnaire and accurately filled. Data was presented and analyzed using Likert Scale and the hypotheses using Z - test. The findings indicated that Operating procedures had significant positive relationship with customers’ feedback, Z(95, n = 126), 3.118 < 5.880, P. < .05 and Reference mentoring methods, had significant positive relationship with turnaround time of clinical laboratory practices, Z(95, n = 126), 4.677 < 6.325, P. < .05. The study concluded that operating procedures and reference mentoring methods had significant positive relationship with customers’ feedback and turnaround time of clinical laboratory practices. The study recommended among others that before the assurance of quality in/by an organization, standard operating procedures should be prioritized in the organization. Employees should be trained on the procedures required for carrying out a particular function. Hence, employee training should be carried out adequately.
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