
  • Nnaekwe Uchenna Kingsley Department of Computer Science, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka and Faculty of Education
  • Asogwa Doris Chinedu Department of Computer Science, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka and Faculty of Education
  • Okechukwu Ogochukwu Patience Department of Computer Science, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka and Faculty of Education
  • Odike Mary Rose Department of Vocational Education, Godfrey Okoye University, Enugu.


Post COVID–19 Era, Information, Communication, Technology, Marketing, Medical, Healthcare, Products, Nigeria


The coronavirus crisis has created a profound shift in how people interact and economy’s function. Policy mandates and fears of becoming infected or infecting others have impelled populations to shelter at home, socially distance, and otherwise reduce direct, in-person interactions with others. This study aimed to examined Post COVID – 19 Era: The impact of information and communication technology (ICT) on the marketing of medical & healthcare products in Nigeria. Other specific objectives are: to ascertain the influence of digital marketing on the supply of healthcare products by pharmaceutical companies in Nigeria and to examine how digitalization influences the relationship between pharmaceutical companies and its customers during Post COVID – 19 Era in Nigeria. The study used survey descriptive research method. Interviews were carried out on the staff of Nemel Pharmaceutical Company Limited Enugu.  The overall finding of the study shows that digital marketing played a significant role in the supply of healthcare products by pharmaceutical companies in Nigeria during and after COVID-19 pandemic. The result also shows that digitalization influences the relationship between pharmaceutical companies and its customers during Post COVID – 19 Era in Nigeria. The study concludes that information and communication technology (ICT) have a significant impact on the success of marketing of medical & healthcare products in Nigeria. Among other recommendations, the study recommends that pharmaceutical companies need to understand the importance of digital marketing and be selective in marketing strategy.



How to Cite

Nnaekwe, U. K., Asogwa , D. C., Okechukwu, O. P., & Odike , M. R. (2024). POST COVID–19 ERA: THE IMPACT OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY (ICT) ON THE MARKETING OF MEDICAL & HEALTHCARE PRODUCTS IN NIGERIA. SADI International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology (SIJSET), 11(1), 87–102.



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