Thermal Comfort, visual and acoustic comfort, Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ), Descriptive and Inferential statistics, SPSS. Temperature variationsAbstract
The main focus behind enclosing natural environmental space is to improve human comfort and wellbeing for the purpose of facilitating various human activities. Different human activities and current state of health pose very big challenge to this pursuit. The holistic condition and quality of any enclosed space is termed Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ). It affects occupants’ indoor thermal, visual and acoustic well-being and comfort of the occupants including patients of hospital awards. The extent of this influence depends on both the occupants preferred (IEQs) and also on the intricate human health condition at the particular time of reference. This paper evaluated the influence of hospital ward indoor environmental quality on the recovery process of patients in Enugu city. For the well and on-the-spot assessment of the targeted population, the study relied on qualitative research method of direct observation and review of literature in which primary and secondary data were collected. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze data collected using SPSS version 21. Three hypotheses were tested; Temperature variations, unwanted sound and lighting were all correlated with patients’ recovery. The results indicated that all the three parameter were significantly related with patients recovery in the hospital wards of Enugu city
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