SCADA Data Analysis, Renewable Energy, Sustainability, Wind Turbine Spacing, Wind Turbine Performance, Differential Evolution AlgorithmAbstract
The increasing demand for sustainable energy solutions has heightened the importance of optimizing wind farm layouts to enhance efficiency and energy output. This study investigates the optimization of wind turbine placement using historical SCADA data, computational fluid dynamics (CFD), and Differential Evolution (DE) algorithms. We analyzed a comprehensive wind turbine dataset, which included wind speed, active power, theoretical power curves, and wind direction data. The analysis revealed a direct relationship between wind speed and power output, with discrepancies observed at both low and high wind speeds due to system inefficiencies and turbine power limits. The Frandsen wake model was employed to account for the wake losses, while the Differential Evolution algorithm was used to optimize the turbine positions to develop an optimal layout for 100 turbines within a minimum area of 21.6 km², aiming to minimize the wake effects and maximize the energy production. The results demonstrate that proper turbine alignment and spacing significantly improve the efficiency, allowing the turbines to operate closer to their theoretical maximum efficiency. The findings highlight the critical role of integrating historical wind data with CFD simulations to optimize turbine placement and performance. This work offers a valuable framework for future windfarm designs, emphasizing the benefits of data-driven approaches in maximizing renewable energy generation and operational efficiency
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