Tilt-rotor drone (TRD), vertical take-off and landing (VTOL), control, vehicle control language (VCL), vision, strategy, inertial navigation system (INS), global positioning system (GPS).Abstract
This paper presents a hierarchical flight control system for smart tilt-rotor drones. The proposed approach performs high-level mission goals by gradually confirming them into machine-level instructions. The learned data from numerous sensors is spread backside to the greater levels for sensitive decision making. Each vertical take-off and landing drone is linked through regular wireless communication rules for an accessible multi-agent facility. The proposed flight control system has been effectively employed on several types of smart tilt-rotor drones and has been validated in some applications. Solutions from waypoint navigation, a probabilistic chase-evasion competition, and vision-based object chasing show the capability of the recommended method for intelligent drones
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