

  • Omerhi, Oghenetega John Department of Quantity Surveying Enugu State University of Science and Technology (Esut)
  • Dr. Joesph Chike Adjadike Department of Geography and Meteorology Enugu State University of Science and Technology (Esut)
  • Dr. Okafor, Ozoemena Christian Department of Marketing Enugu State University of Science and Technology (Esut)


The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of project scope planning and implementation on the final project outcome using a survey of 10 completed jobs in the public and private sectors within the south East and South-Southern parts of Nigeria. Specific objectives were to: determine the effect of project scope planning on project outcome, examine the effect of proper scoping of the structural designs on final project outcome and explore the effect of scope implementation on final project outcome. The study used Chi-square non-parametric statistic on a sample of 160 employees of the construction companies responsible for the selected projects, all the three variables were found significant at 5% critical level with chi-square values of 45.8, 43.4, and 16.1 respectively all of which were greater than the control value at the 5% critical point which was11.92. These findings led to the conclusion that there is a significant effect of project scope planning, implementation and design scope implementation on final project outcome. The study recommended that contractors should lay out a sequential plan of the scope of jobs they are to execute and implement the designs in consultation with the design architects and other key stakeholders



How to Cite

Omerhi, O. J., Adjadike, J. C., & Okafor, O. C. (2023). EFFECT OF PROJECT ACTIVITIES SCOPING AND DESIGN IMPLEMENTATION ON FINAL PROJECT OUTCOME. SADI Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (SJIR), 10(3), 22–49. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8411013



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