
  • Kifordu A. Anthony Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Management Sciences Delta State University, Abraka


change management, organizational performance, embedded and solidify change, implement change


The study investigated achieving organizational performance in the telecommunication sector by measuring evolutionary management stimulants for the study, a cross-sectional survey research design approach was used. The approach of stratified random sampling was utilised in the investigation. A structured questionnaire was employed in the study as the data-gathering tool. A test-retest methodology was used to determine the instrument's dependability. Multiple regression analysis, correlation, and descriptive statistics were applied. Results indicated that evolutionary management stimulants accounted for 70% of the change in organisational performance. The following was found to implement change (ß = 0.278, P<0.05), embed and solidify change (ß = 0.519, P<0.05) significantly improve organisational performance in telecommunication firms in Warri. It offers the framework for establishing the organization's goals, as well as the means of accomplishing them and keeping track of performance also the concluded organizations should employ the service of internal change managers to work together with such experts employed externally to facilitate growth in performance and smooth change implementation. Managers are advised to anticipate change, especially in the telecommunication industry where changes occur every second. The study recommended that change is a crucial component of success If it is purposefully established, properly implemented, and adapted, change in an organization's strategy can affect how it functions, affecting everything from the organizational structure to employees' everyday activities



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