
  • Tang Xiaolong Anhui Nanrui Jiyuan Power Grid Technology Co., Ltd., Hefei, Anhui Province, China
  • Li Wenping Anhui Nanrui Jiyuan Power Grid Technology Co., Ltd., Hefei, Anhui Province, China
  • Yu Juan Anhui Nanrui Jiyuan Power Grid Technology Co., Ltd., Hefei, Anhui Province, China
  • Xu He Anhui Nanrui Jiyuan Power Grid Technology Co., Ltd., Hefei, Anhui Province, China
  • Long Jiangshen Anhui Nanrui Jiyuan Power Grid Technology Co., Ltd., Hefei, Anhui Province, China
  • Li Kunpeng Anhui Nanrui Jiyuan Power Grid Technology Co., Ltd., Hefei, Anhui Province, China


intelligent substation, integrated smart preventing mal-operation system, topology preventing mal-operation, wireless network technology.


With the rapid development of smart grid technology, substation comprehensive automation technology has made significant improvements. However, the intelligent operation function of monitoring and operation and maintenance is still not perfect, such as the reversing operation process is still based on manual sequential operation, which is far from being able to meet the intelligent development needs of power system. In this paper, the integrated smart preventing mal-operation system of intelligent substation is studied. Firstly, the "topology preventing mal-operation analysis algorithm" is adopted to capture the charged operation of equipment in real time based on the primary wiring diagram and operation mode of the substation. Secondly, establish wireless micro-power LAN in the substation to achieve full coverage of the micro-power wireless network, upgrade and replace the smart preventing mal-operation host and smart-key so that they have micro-power network access.Through the wireless network mode, the smart-key is connected to the smart preventing mal-operation host in real time,and the real-time communication is realized between the smart preventing mal-operation host and the smart-key as well as the field locks,integrating the means of error-proof measures such as preventing mal-operation, lock control, access control, ground state management, etc.,unifying the authorization and identification, unifying the incorporation of the preventing mal-operation process, realizing the comprehensive coverage of the preventing mal-operation measures in substations to make real-time locking logic judgment and real-time preventing mal-operation, and controlling the operation process of thesmart-key in real time according to the judgment result, effectively improving the work accuracy and efficiency of the operation personnel



How to Cite

Tang , X., Li , W., Yu, J., Xu , H., Jiangshen, L., & Kunpeng, L. (2023). RESEARCH ON INTEGRATED SMART PREVENTING MALOPERATION SYSTEM OF INTELLIGENT SUBSTATION. Interdisciplinary Journal of Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 9(3), 9–16. Retrieved from