

  • Eze, Amoge Emilia Department Of Economics, Faculty of Management and Social Sciences, School of Postgraduate Studies, Godfrey Okoye University, Ugwuomu-Nike, Enugu
  • Prof. Agu C.C. Department Of Economics, Faculty of Management and Social Sciences, School of Postgraduate Studies, Godfrey Okoye University, Ugwuomu-Nike, Enugu


Monetary Policy, Price Stabilization, Inflation, Consumer Price Index, Nigeria Economy


This study examined the effect of monetary policy on price stabilization in Nigeria during the period 1981-2021. Data for the study were extracted from the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) statistical bulletin and world development index (WDI) 2021. The method of data analysis used is linear regression method with application of Error Correction Model (ECM). The major findings of the study reveal that liquidity ratio has negative and non-significant effect on price stabilization in Nigeria. Cash reserve ratio has a positive but non-significant effect on price stabilization in Nigeria. Monetary policy rate has a positive but non-significant effect on price stabilization in Nigeria. Finally, there exists no causal relationship amongst the variables under investigation. It is therefore the recommendation of the study that to maintain a relatively stable economy, monetary authorities should increase their liquid assets over liabilities so that it will be significant to stabilize price in the Nigerian economy. Secondly, that the Central Bank of Nigeria should modify their regulations to deposit money banks to make sure that they don’t keep more than the required cash for creation of money. Thirdly, that the Central Bank of Nigeria needs to reduce monetary policy rate and enforce deposit money banks to charge different interest rates for borrowing purposes. This will relatively make monetary policy rate significant in the Nigerian economy.  Finally, the study recommends that government needs to evaluate these monetary policy instruments so that they can be engaged optimally



How to Cite

Eze, A. E., & Agu , C. (2023). EFFECT OF MONETARY POLICY ON PRICE STABILIZATION IN NIGERIA 1981 – 2021. SADI Journal of Economics and Social Sciences (SJESS), 10(4), 1–13. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10178251



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