
  • Obru-Egboro F. O Department of Geography and Meteorology, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Enugu State University of Science and Technology
  • Hilary Eze Department of Geography and Meteorology, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Enugu State University of Science and Technology


Agencies, Management, Smart, Technologies, Waste


This study examined the appraisal of the performance of waste management agencies in Nigeria with a view to introducing smart management technologies.  To carry out this assessment, three objectives were drawn up those covers; examining the subsisting solid waste management methods; looking into the existing operational management techniques and also exploring applicable smart technologies in the management of solid waste in Nigeria. The methodology isolated three LGAs (Asaba, Warri and Ughelli) in Delta State, Nigeria with a study population of 675,149 through purposive sampling technique and applied the Slovin’s sample size determinant formula to determine a sample size of 400 respondents who received structured survey questionnaires. Using percentages, tables and pie charts to analyze the data, pops up some findings in the area of overcrowded households of 6-8 persons (33%) in a room putting pressure on services such as solid waste management, and poor facilities, 47.3% making management efforts complex.  In the summary of the empirical review, it was observed also that in Kano (Northern Nigeria), 79.25% respondents dispose waste in unauthorized dumpsites and 68% complained of poor collection by agencies. Hence, the recommendation for improved seamless management processes in the area of adequate funding, capacity building and provision of up-to-date facilities. More profoundly, it is expected that the smart technologies and supporting ICT infrastructure could address the critical areas of waste management which includes but not limited to funding, and capacity building in the waste management value chain in Nigeria



How to Cite

Obru-Egboro, F. O., & Eze, H. (2023). APPRAISAL OF THE PERFORMANCE OF WASTE MANAGEMENT AGENCIES IN NIGERIA WITH A VIEW TO INTRODUCING SMART MANAGEMENT TECHNOLOGIES. Interdisciplinary Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences (IJAES), 10(4), 1–15.



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