This study contributes to understanding podcasting and alternative media in the context of Egypt. The study investigates the relationship between limited censorship on podcasts and the rise of youth podcast listeners. The study employs the Uses and Gratifications theory to hypothesize a
Fiscal management is crucial for economic growth and development, particularly in developing countries where fiscal policy has a significant impact on their economic prospects. This study investigates the effects of government borrowing modes on government spending and revenue mobilization
This study investigates the influence of zakat empowerment initiatives on the wealth of zakat beneficiaries (Zakirs), focusing on business growth as a mediator variable. The data from 186 Indian zakat foundations involved in various empowerment programs are analyzed using Partial Least Square
This study investigates the determinants of external audit fees in the context of Cameroon. The research was conducted using a questionnaire administered to 171 audit firms operating in Cameroon's Littoral, Center, and North-West Regions. The study employed multilinear regression analysis to
The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of advertising on consumer purchase decisions in the cosmetic industry of Mauritius. The cosmetic industry in Mauritius is rapidly growing due to the competitive nature of the market and the prevalence of multinational brands. To capture the
Efficient financial management is crucial for the functioning of public universities and colleges in Vietnam, and is a strategic goal of the state in recent times. This article aims to review studies on the impact of financial management on the performance of public educational institutions,
The aim of this paper is to prepare the bankruptcy model construction. In the first part, multivariate discriminant analysis and its possibilities in deriving predictive models are characterized. The second part defines the possible indicators/predictors of financial distress of companies, which
Fiscal management is crucial for economic growth and development, particularly in developing countries where fiscal policy has a significant impact on their economic prospects. This study investigates the effects of government borrowing modes on government spending and revenue mobilization
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