
  • Dr. Xiaoming Chen School of Economics and Management, Xidian University, Xi’an, 710126, China


Digital economy, intelligent manufacturing, human resource management, talent standards, digital human capital.


The advent of the digital economy has ushered in a new era of intelligent and agile management, driven by rapid development and extensive technological penetration. Intelligent manufacturing, at the forefront of China's fourth industrial revolution, leverages advanced technologies like cloud computing, the Internet of Things, and big data to enable data-driven decision-making and end-to-end product development within interconnected supply chains. In this transformative landscape, traditional human resource management models in manufacturing enterprises are facing significant challenges. The digital economy era has disrupted traditional boundaries and organizational structures, emphasizing the digitization of work processes and the need for real-time precision. As intelligent manufacturing systems rely on data-driven workflows and intelligent technologies to enhance R&D, production, and operations, the role of basic workers is diminishing, leading to internal restructuring within enterprises. Consequently, meeting the evolving talent demands of the digital economy is a pressing concern. This abstract delves into the impact of the digital economy on human resource management, particularly within intelligent manufacturing enterprises in China. It highlights the need to redefine talent standards for the digital age and emphasizes the urgency of accumulating new digital human capital. The challenges and opportunities presented by this evolving landscape require innovative approaches to human resource management.



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