agricultural-education, retention, career-counseling, academic-performance, interestAbstract
There is mass exodus of students from agricultural education programme to other departments due low self esteem. Many students admitted in the programme have low interest poor academic achievement and decide to change course after first year thereby leaving a wide gap in the students-teacher ratio which is a worry to the department of agricultural education in universities in Nigeria. This study as therefore carried out to determine the effects of career counseling on students’ interest, academic performance and retention rate in agricultural education programme in universities in South East Nigeria. Three research questions and a hypothesis guided the study. The quasi-experimental study adopted Solomon four-group research design with a population-sample of 165 year one students of Agricultural Education from Universities in South East Nigeria. Sequence allocation software was used to allocate these students into two control and two experimental groups. The instrument for data collection was a 20 item structured interest inventory questionnaire and 30 test items. Each item in the inventory was assigned a four response options of Strongly Agree, Agree, Disagree and Strongly Disagree with values of 4, 3, 2 and 1 respectively while the test item had four options with one correct answer and other three as distracters. Three experts validated the items which its internal consistency 0.85 determined using Cronbach alpha method Data was collected by the researchers and a guidance counselor. Data collected were analyzed using percentage to answer research questions and ANOVA for testing the null hypothesis. The study found out that career counseling intervention increased students’ interests, academic performance and retention rates. It was recommended that career counseling should be part of orientation programme and a follow up service organized after each academic session to enhance their interest, performance and retention rates
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Funding: the project work was sponsored by the TETfund
The researcher acknowledges the Tertiary education Fund for funding this research work. The researchers also appreciated the students that participated in the study despite their academic schedule and several sessions conducted. The Heads of Departments are also appreciated while the efforts of the counselor are not relegated to the background.