Secondary School,, Mathematics Curriculum, physical facilities, qualification of teachersAbstract
The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the implementation of senior secondary school mathematics curriculum in Enugu education zone. Literature related to the study was reviewed. Evaluative research design was adopted in order to appraise all efforts of the Government in the implementation and realization of the curriculum’s objectives. Scriven goal free evaluation model guided inquiries that would yield data to warranted value judgment. The population of this study consist of all the 10,478 students and 142 teachers in the 31 public senior secondary schools in Enugu Education Zone. Simple random sample and disproportionate stratified sampling technique were used to select105 students and 96 teachers for the study. A checklist and questionnaire were developed and validated for the purpose of data collection. Data were arranged and analyzed according to research questions. Among others, the major findings of the study were that: most facilities for implementing the senior secondary Mathematics curriculum in Enugu Education zone are adequate, but the classes are over populated; quality of teachers used in implementing the senior secondary school mathematics curriculum in Enugu education zone is grossly inadequate. Hence, the major educational implication of the findings of the study is that there is still need for improvement in the senior secondary school Mathematics curriculum delivery to meet the demands of quality Mathematics education in the study area. The main recommendation is that the Government should re-strategize and reinforce efforts to staff schools with qualified Mathematics teachers and equip schools with basic educational service and facilities to mitigate the effect of large class size
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