Areas that experience high temperatures during hot seasons suffer significant losses in production
capacity and gas turbine efficiency. When the air temperature increases, the flow rate of the air mass
decreases, and thus this leads to a decrease in the energy produced by gas turbines.
This study examined the impact of deficit financing (DF) on Nigeria’s economic growth from 1984
to 2019. In order to capture the objectives of the study, secondary data were sourced and relevant methods of
analysis were adopted which include unit root test and ARDL bound testing. The
The paper assesses the factors constraining community participation in solid waste management
and provides a way for enhancing participatory management of solid waste. The paper leverage on findings
from empirical data of key stakeholders in solid waste management in Lwengo Town Council,
The purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic to the academic
preparation of entrepreneurship students in Marinduque State College in terms of participation in class,
understanding of lessons, and preparation for tests. It also aims to determine what
This study ascertained the relationship between Treasury Single Account and Accountability in
Nigeria Public Sector with a focus on South-East and South-South Nigeria. This study adopted field survey
research design. The population was 1250 staff of the five Federal Universities Teaching
The purpose of this research was to evaluate the determinants of customer behavior as basis for the
development of sustainable return intentions program. Surveys were completed by the local and foreign
tourists visited in the province of Marinduque. The study aims to answer which among
Buddha Shakyamuni believe all sentient beings are "aggregated" by the Five Skandhas
(Aggregates), which includes: (1) Rūpa Aggregate, (2) Feeling Aggregate, (3) Preception Aggregate, (4)
Volition Aggregate, and (5) Consciousness Aggregate. Prajnaparamita Heart Sutra (The Heart Sutra of
SADI adopt a rolling submission and publication (There is no deadline for submission or publication)
All submissions must be done online. (Contact for submission support, if you encounter any challenge)
SADI gives all manuscripts the privilege of publication provided it meets the basic requirements as stipulated in publication policy