Consumer Choice, Sales Volume, Customer Base, ProfitabilitAbstract
This study examined the effect of consumer decision patterns on the organizational performance of selected LG outlets in Uyo metropolis, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. The inability of marketers and managers of LG outlets to properly understand their consumers’ buying behavior seem to crumble and retard their profits, sales volume, and decrease their customer base in the Uyo metropolis. A descriptive survey research design was adopted in which primary data were obtained through questionnaire administration. The study population consisted of all the customers and staff of LG outlets located at Ikot Ekpene Road, Abak Road, Aka Road, and Oron Road within Uyo metropolis in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. However, a total sample size of 30 respondents was selected using the purposive sampling technique. The researchers employed both descriptive and inferential statistics to analyze the collected data. The Pearson correlation analysis technique was also employed to analyze the data. The reported p-values were used to test the significance of the stated research hypotheses. The finding was that there is a significant effect of consumer choice on the sales volume of selected LG outlets in Uyo metropolis, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. Another finding revealed a significant effect of consumer choice on sales volume. Further discovery was that there is a significant effect of consumer choice on profitability. It was concluded that consumer buying behavior has a significant effect on the organizational performance of selected LG outlets in the Uyo metropolis, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. Recommendations were that LG outlets in the Uyo metropolis should conduct market research to properly understand their consumers’ buying behavior. The marketers of LG products should carefully explain products’ features, quality, and durability to consumers in order for them to make their choices. There is a need for customer follow-up after sales to sustain such customers, which in turn will increase their customer base. Marketers at different LG outlets in the Uyo metropolis should embark on aggressive marketing strategies to boost their sales volume
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