

  • Ebizie, Promise Ikechukwu Department of Marketing, Nnmadi Azikiwe University, Awka
  • Abude, Peter Federal Polytechnic, Orogun, Delta State
  • Onuorah, Peasce Chikodili Department of Marketing, Nnmadi Azikiwe University, Awka


Talent attraction, Talent retention and Customer satisfaction


This study determined the effect of talent management practices on customer satisfaction of deposit money banks in Enugu State, using talent attraction and talent retention. Survey research design was employed, and data were generated from questionnaires which were analyzed. To validate the hypotheses, Pearson correlation coefficient enabled the researcher to address the research questions while the hypotheses were tested using the regression analysis via SPSS software was utilized by the researcher as the main statistical software for primary data analysis. The study revealed that there is a significant positive relationship between talent attraction and talent retention of deposit money banks in Enugu State. Based on the findings, this study recommended among others that managers should employ strategic and effective talent attraction techniques to boost the marketing efforts and strategies of deposit money banks and banks should utilize techniques such as reputation management and talent pool management to attract from the broad supply of labour



How to Cite

Ebizie, P. I., Abude, P., & Onuorah, P. C. (2024). TALENT MANAGEMENT AND CUSTOMER SATISFACTION: A STUDY OF COMMERCIAL BANKS IN ENUGU STATE. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research in Marketing and Management (IJIRMM), 11(2), 16–28. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11279866



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