Consumer behavior, celebrity worship, materialism, compulsive buying behavior (CBB), influence of celebrities.Abstract
This study investigated the relationship between a consumer's celebrity worshiping and their values orientation for materialism and its role in shaping their tendency toward compulsive buying. The study sample of 336 consumers from different cities in Saudi Arabia was analyzed. Despite the significant research on the impact of social media on people's lives, little is known about the extent to which social media impacts compulsive buying behavior (CBB). This study addresses this gap in knowledge by examining the relationships between social media celebrities' worshiping and consumers' values orientation for materialism and their influence on consumers' tendency to compulsive buying behavior. The results reveal that celebrity worship affects consumers' values orientation for materialism, influencing consumers' tendency towards compulsive buying behavior. Given the significant relationship found between celebrity worshiping and consumers' values orientation for materialism, it is likely that celebrity endorsements could be an effective way to increase sales and boost brand awareness among consumers in Saudi Arabia. This study highlights the importance of considering the impact of celebrity culture on consumer behavior in Saudi Arabia. It provides valuable insights for marketers seeking to influence consumption patterns in the region. By leveraging the influence of celebrities positively, it may be possible to promote more responsible and sustainable consumption habits among consumers in Saudi Arabia
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