
  • Ogbuke, John Chukwudi (Ph.D.) Department of Marketing, Enugu State University of Science and Technology, ESUT
  • Prof. Ngozi Grace Ejionueme Department of Marketing, Enugu State University of Science and Technology, ESUT
  • Prof. Nebo, Gerald Nwora Department of Marketing, Enugu State University of Science and Technology, ESUT
  • Okafor, Ozoemena Christian (Ph.D.) Department of Marketing, Enugu State University of Science and Technology, ESUT
  • Ogbuke George Tochukwu Department of Marketing, Enugu State University of Science and Technology, ESUT
  • Barr. Ogbuke Julius Department of Marketing, Enugu State University of Science and Technology, ESUT
  • Dr. Eze, Jude Obinna Department of Marketing, Enugu State University of Science and Technology, ESUT
  • Prof. Innocent Ikenna Chukwu Department of Marketing, Enugu State University of Science and Technology, ESUT


Product attributes, Consumer choice, Powder detergents, Safety attributes, Sense-appeal attributes


The study examined “product attributes and consumers’ choice of powder detergents brands in south East, Nigeria”. The specific objectives were to: assess safety attributes and consumer’s choice of powder detergents and investigate the relationship between sense-appeal attributes and consumer’s choice of powder detergents. The study adopted the survey research design. The sample size of the study was three hundred and eight four (384). The instrument used for data collection was questionnaire. The reliability coefficient of the questionnaires was .0.70 using Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient. The study hypotheses were tested with correlation and regression methods. The findings showed that: safety attributes had a positive significant relationship with consumer’s choice of powder detergents brands and sense-appeal attributes had a positive significant relationship with consumer’s choice of powder detergents brands. Based on findings, the study concluded that product attributes had a positive significant relationship with consumer’s choice of powder detergents brands in South East, Nigeria. Based on findings, the study recommended that local manufacturing companies and foreign companies operating in the south-eastern market should continue to establish safety attributes measures across consumers of their products because we talk about life existence before consumption of goods and services.



How to Cite

Ogbuke, J. C., Ejionueme, N. G., Nebo, G. N., Okafor, O. C., Ogbuke , G. T., Ogbuke , J., … Chukwu , I. I. (2024). PRODUCT ATTRIBUTES AND CONSUMERS’ CHOICE OF POWDER DETERGENTS BRANDS IN SOUTH-EAST NIGERIA. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research in Marketing and Management (IJIRMM), 11(4), 14–23.



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