

  • Oranefo Patricia C Department of accountancy, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria


Digital currency, Efficiency and Financial transactions


The study investigated the effect of digital currency on financial transactions in Nigeria, using, eNaira, Bitcoin and Ethereum to enhance efficiency in financial transactions in Nigeria. The study adopted descriptive survey research design. The instrument for data collection was a structured questionnaire. The study employed descriptive and inferential analytical procedures. Pearson correlation analysis was utilized in the test of the hypothesis. The findings revealed that the use of digital currencies significantly enhances efficiency in financial transactions in Nigeria In conclusion, integrating digital currencies into the financial system can lead to faster and more streamlined transactions, reduce opportunities for fraud and improve the clarity of financial records, and extend financial services to underserved and remote areas. On this note, the study recommended that financial institutions in Nigeria should integrate digital currencies, such as eNaira, Bitcoin, and Ethereum, into their systems to enhance the efficiency of financial transactions which will help streamline transaction processes, reduce processing times, and improve overall service delivery



How to Cite

Oranefo , P. C. (2024). EFFECT OF DIGITAL CURRENCY (ENAIRA, BITCOIN AND ETHEREUM) ON EFFICIENCY IN FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS IN NIGERIA. SADI Journal of Economics and Social Sciences (SJESS), 11(4), 189–201. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14567374



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