

  • Ndum, Ngozi B. Department of Accountancy, Nnamdi Azikiwe Universty, Awka


Information and communication Technology; Small and medium enterprises; Industrial development centre; Technology acceptance model


This study examined the effect of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) on the productivity of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Anambra State, Nigeria. The primary objective is to examine how ICT influences competitive advantage in the global market, and improvements in marketing and customer relationship management among SMEs. Anchored on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), the research employs a descriptive survey design, targeting a population of approximately 350,000 SME owners and managers, with a sample size of 400 determined through the Taro Yamane formula. Utilizing stratified random sampling, data were collected via structured questionnaires and semi-structured interviews, ensuring diverse representation. Data analysis involved both descriptive and inferential statistical techniques, revealing significant findings: a strong a very strong correlation (r = 0.894) with global competitiveness and an even stronger correlation (r = 0.923) with improvements in marketing and customer relationship management. To boost global competitiveness, SMEs should invest in ICT infrastructure that enables them to access international markets, and relevant stakeholders should offer training programs focused on digital skills to help businesses leverage global opportunities.



How to Cite

Ndum, N. B. (2024). EFFECT OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY ON PRODUCTIVITY OF SMEs IN ANAMBRA STATE. SADI Journal of Economics and Social Sciences (SJESS), 11(4), 202–215. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14567386



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