

  • Eneda, Achiette Asu Department of Science and Computer Education, Faculty of Education, Godfrey Okoye University Enugu, Nigeria
  • Dr. (Mrs.) V.C. Ude Department of Science and Computer Education, Faculty of Education, Godfrey Okoye University Enugu, Nigeria


Multimedia Instruction, Biology Achievement, Public Secondary Schools, Agbani Education Zone, Quasi-Experimental Design


The purpose of this work was to examine the effect of multimedia instruction on the achievement of students in Biology in public secondary schools in Agbani Education Zone of Enugu State. Three research questions were formulated to guide the study. Quasi-experimental non-randomized control group design involving intact classes was the research design used for the study. The population of the study comprised all SSII students in Agbani Education Zone of Enugu State. Purposive sampling was used to get four co-educational schools, 300 SSII students were used for the study. Biology Achievement Test was used to collect data on students’ achievement in essay writing. The instrument was face and content-validated by two experts in the Science Education Departments. Trial testing was carried out using 10 students from two schools from another zone and to test the reliability of the instrument, inter-rater reliability was sought using Kuder Richarlison formula to obtain 0.76. Mean and Standard deviation were used to answer the research questions. Analysis of Covariance was used to test the null hypotheses formulated for the study at 0.05 level of significance. Major findings showed that: multimedia instruction had significant effect on students’ mean achievement in Biology. Based on these findings some recommendations were made: that Biology teachers should endeavor to teach Biology using multimedia; government in conjunction with other professional associations should organize workshops, seminars, conferences and in-service training to re-train Biology teachers on the use of multimedias



How to Cite

Achiette Asu , E., & Ude, V. (2024). EFFECT OF MULTIMEDIA INSTRUCTION ON STUDENTS’ ACHIEVEMENT IN BIOLOGY IN PUBLIC SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN AGBANI EDUCATION ZONE OF ENUGU STATE, NIGERIA. Interdisciplinary Journal of Educational Practice (IJEP), 11(1), 1–18. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10682817



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