Teachers, job satisfaction, salary, promotion, basic schoolsAbstract
This study investigates teacher job satisfaction in public basic schools in the Japekrom Education Circuit in the Jaman South District of the Bono Region of Ghana. The study design is a descriptive cross-sectional survey with Herzberg’s motivation-hygiene theory as the supporting theoretical framework. The sample comprised 125 randomly selected teachers, and data were collected using a structured questionnaire adapted from Spector’s (1985) Job Satisfaction Survey. The data were analyzed using frequency, mean, and standard deviation. The study revealed that public basic school teachers are dissatisfied with their salary and fringe benefits but are satisfied with their work environment, promotion, growth, and career advancement opportunities. The study recommends increasing teachers’ responsibility allowances, retirement benefits, and other fringe benefits by the government to appreciable levels if teachers are to contribute meaningfully to attaining school and educational goals.
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