Educational drama, Cultural messages, Student engagement, Pedagogical evaluation, Imaginative learningAbstract
This paper presents findings from the evaluation of a drama pedagogical project centered on the play "The Hat is Yours," performed by a professional theatre group and shown to junior high school students in the autumn term of 2002. The study gathered data from 16 students, 6 teachers, 5 performers, the play's director, and the playwright, along with classroom observations involving 60 students during post-performance sessions. The research aimed to assess the effectiveness, intensity, and depth of educational drama in conveying cultural messages. Findings indicate that both the play and the project were positively received by students, who appreciated the integration of drama into their curriculum and engaged actively in sessions, suggesting the triggering of emotional and intellectual processes. Students' unanimous support for the educational drama efforts highlights the potential of drama in fostering imaginative learning and perspective-taking. However, the study also reveals mixed opinions among actors regarding the moralization of dramatic scenes and the resolution of problems in a manner perceived as culturally biased. This paper argues for the continued and expanded use of drama in education, particularly for minority and socially disadvantaged students, to enhance aesthetic expression and interest in other subjects
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